Leadership Tools
ref:https://hbr.org/2017/07/the-more-senior-your-job-title-the-more-you-need-to-keep-a-journal As part of the above article, there were nuggets of wisdom and leadership and management tools that were referenced by Dan Ciampa High pace causes more failures Leaders are often scrutinised more Expectations from leaders and often unrealistically high Leaders cannot always avoid all of the above, but can and should manage the above. Brain storming can provide rich results if after intense concentration, there is a break after which more ideas are thought about.
Last updated: Jan 28, 2025
As part of the above article, there were nuggets of wisdom and leadership and management tools that were referenced by Dan Ciampa
- High pace causes more failures
- Leaders are often scrutinised more
- Expectations from leaders and often unrealistically high
- Leaders cannot always avoid all of the above, but can and should manage the above.
- Brain storming can provide rich results if after intense concentration, there is a break after which more ideas are thought about.