• loops and iterators are different
  • ruby has some special iterators
  • iterators operate on arrays and ranges and procs
  • break can be used to break out of the iterator

Common Methods


[1,2,3].each {|x| x*2}

# [2,4,6] => [1,2,3]

takes each element and operates
Returns the original array


[1,2,3].collect {|x| x*2}

# [2,4,6]

transforms the array
returns the transformed array


[1,2,3].select { |x| (x % 2) == 0 }

# [2]

filters the array based on the conditions in block
returns the filtered list of the array


[1,2,3].inject(1) {|result, item| result + item}

# 7

injects the value and does an inner loop returns the result